Trust is much more than a verb we use in society. The sad part is that as humans we can’t handle the true meaning trust. Humans have a tendency to become so focused on their agendas that they misuse and abuse this very thing we call trust. Every individual has their own philosophy for how select those who they will trust. There is not a standard format or script for how to know when someone is trustworthy. It’s mainly a test of trial and error. The person I trust you may not find trustworthy. Furthermore you may automatically give trust while I may require someone to earn my trust. I don’t think there is a right or wrong method I am just highlighting differences.
The underlying idea is that whether it’s accidental or intentional we all abuse the trust of someone at some point in our life. Now, I know some of you are so saved and perfect that you have never broken the trust of others. Well this blog entry is not for you and you won’t benefit from the pearls which are buried in this blog, because you don’t see any mistakes in your life. I have come to find out that normal people don’t wake up in the morning or go to sleep at night brainstorming ways to abuse the trust of others. It all occurs at the point when you get comfortable with your situation and you begin to want more, and most of the time the additional increase you want belongs to someone else. So essentially you are taking what doesn’t belong to you. Have you ever thought that when you seek out your own agenda in life that causes us to forget the bonds we have made with others? The bonds we break are with people who were there when you had nothing, these are the same people who strengthened you when you were weak, and the SAME people who spoke up for you when others were condemning you, but we feel we must step on them to get to the next level.
Society fuels the fantasy that we must be better than our neighbor, but the truth is that all the material things you were blessed with, you have all those things to bless others, but who have you helped in the last 6 months (that’s another blog all together)? The interesting thing about trust is that while it can’t be purchased with money people will always break trust to get more money. While trust can’t fulfill your physical desires, you will break it to get a taste of the forbidden fruit. While trust can’t directly make you happy, you will break it to just to achieve societal recognition. The humbling feeling is that once you have broken trust to achieve all the desires of your flesh you are now alone, because you damaged relationships to get to the next level.
Stop chasing a dream that will cause your true friends not to trust you. The perception you leave behind once you have broken the trust of someone is hard to change. While they say they forgive you, they never forget! There is always a constant memory of the pain you caused and the never ending thought of will you do it again? It’s human nature to want to avoid hurtful situations and people, but I know that trust can be rebuilt. It will take time and patience, but most of all it takes hard work and determination. Are you willing to work to rebuild the trust you broke in their lives?
I know that I am not perfect and I have made mistakes that caused people I love not to trust my actions. I have done things that only supported my goals while ignoring the emotions of others. There came a time in my life when I looked at all the things I accomplished and realized that I was all alone and had no one to share them with me, but who could I blame but myself. It takes a extraordinary individual to recognize their faults and be willing to admit them and strive for change. While there are others who misused the trust I gave them I can’t use that as an excuse to why I hurt others.
However, I do know that there is one individual who I can trust when I can’t trace Him. Who has never let me down and always there when I needed Him. While others may try to discredit His presence and authority I know from experience that when you let me down He reminded me not to put trust in man. I’m glad I met Him and I know that my relationship is stronger, because when I didn’t know why things were happening in my life I heard a voice that said “do you trust me to deliver you to another level where your broken friendships will be restored and where I will give you whatever you shall ask as long as you put me first?”
The hardest thing for an individual is to stop talking at people and start listening. I dare you to stop talking and start listening. Once you start listening start trusting, and once you really start trusting you will begin to see revelation.