Monday, September 27, 2010

Chapter 4

Dr. King once said that “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” I want to use this quote today in hopes that it will provoke you to conduct an internal examination of your life.
I have found that some individuals become comfortable in their everyday situations. They become complacent with their life. They expect others to take the lead and ensure the equilibrium of the situation remains unchanged. In so many words you can call these people freeloaders who don’t want to exercise their own talents to benefit mankind.
I believe that everyone has a specialized talent that no one is able to replicate. While there may be others who have a similar talent there is something you do differently that makes you unique. This is one reason why I try to surround myself around people who are strong in the areas I am weak, because I know they are weak in the areas where I am strong. This will allow us to combine and be a mighty army instead on individual soldiers.  
However you can’t exercise your talent until you are presented with a situation that challenges you and requires you to step out of your comport zone. The challenges you face will not only with help you polish your talent, but it will broaden your experiences in life. You will be surprised how when you open your mind to different ideas how your position in life can change. As individuals we never stop learning and you will be surprised how you can learn from anyone in your surroundings.
What have you done to challenge yourself today? We are so quick to talk about problems we face as a people, community, and world, but we are not willing to do anything to change our circumstances. We sit back and expect others to fix it while we freeload on their ideas. Furthermore, we have the nerve to complain when other make more money, drive nicer cars, and have more degrees etc. I am saying that everyone has the opportunity to do great things in their life. We have to learn how to pull others up instead of kicking them while they are down. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others, because someone has a talent that can help you succeed. Whatever you do please don’t expect a handout, because the people who came before you didn’t get a handout so why should you?  
Today I challenge you to stop talking about things you want to do and start using your talents to achieve your goals. Moreover, if you are in a situation and you think you are in over your head I want you to understand it’s not by accident you are in that situation. You are in that situation to make a difference and to use your talents to help someone. The good news is that you are never alone, and there is an instructional manual called the Bible that will lead you through uncharted territories.  
I hope this helped you today.

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