Today was a very thought provoking day. As many of you know I stated in an earlier blog that I wanted to get more than an MBA while I was in Scotland. My goal is to get an experience and today I received a gold nugget that wasn’t included in the tuition payment.
This evening a few of my classmates gathered in a hall lounge surrounded around great food and fellowship. In the USA we always makes jokes about how quiet it becomes when the food arrives. Trust me when I say that is not only a USA thing. I was surrounded by people from all over the world and the great conversation came to a halt when the plates were passed. During dinner there was a lot of small talk around different languages, technology, and ancestry. However when we began to have tea, coffee and wine were passed this is when I realized why I am in Scotland.
First, let me say when people say you can’t talk about religion, politics, and money with different cultures let me say that is pure ignorance because you are missing out on a valuable lesson. The discussion was between Christians and Muslims.
The conversation began when a fellow classmate asked about voodoo/witchcraft and our opinion regarding the issue. Voodoo exists all over the world and it’s something that many people believe can have an effect on your life. He went on to ask “if you don’t believe in the powers of voodoo can it still have an effect on you”? We talked about the origination of voodoo and how there will always be demons on earth which will be worshipped my man. There were so many questions which were raised and they all were answered with spiritual references.
While we didn’t really talk about the differences in our religions we pointed out the similarities that supported the idea that witchcraft and voodoo exist. For a person to say they have a belief in Christianity or Islam you must believe that demonic spirits exist. We have seen in the bible where Jesus cast demons out of individuals. Furthermore, when God cast Satin out of heaven He sent Satin to rule of physical world because it was full of chaos. The devil thrives in chaos and this is when he will typically appear. The reason voodoo doesn’t harm those who don’t believe in powers is because you have a belief in a higher power protecting you from these demonic sprits.
The bible addresses this in Ephesians 6 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” this is proof that there are other forces that are trying to control our lives; which is why if you continue reading it gives us the full armor to protect us during the battle. The armor helps protect you, because you never know how the enemy will attack. They attack during our sleep, on our job, in our homes, and anywhere an opportunity presents itself.
The thing about the devil is he knows your weaknesses and that is where he starts his attack. For most of us it begins in our flesh. When he attacks our flesh he starts to control us because our flesh is weak and easy to manipulate. Think about it, have you ever been lonely late at night and you get a text message from someone you really don’t like. The text reads something like “you sleep?” If you were busy you wouldn’t even give this person the time of day, but you end up over their house anyway. Your flesh was weak and the devil presented you with something to bait you into trust him. I guess I am the only one being real tonight, because I can hear you saying that never happened to me.
The reason it’s so easy for him to control our flesh is because when the things you have been asking God for don’t appear when you want them, you try and find other things to complete you. We are all guilty and we all sin, but I can’t judge you for your sins because that is not my assignment. I have learned that the things you are seeking to complete you when your prayers are not answered are not of the spiritual realm, but they are worldly possessions. It is at this very moment that you stop praying and praising like you once did and you forget who is in control of your life and you turn to demonic spirits. It is at this time when you are most vulnerable to the effects of voodoo because you are letting these spirits control your flesh.
Then you might ask me why God doesn’t just block the attack of Satin? That would be too easy; God likes to demonstrate his powers so those who don’t believe will start believing. Also, if He doesn’t let you make a few mistakes you will never trust Him like you should and He wants you to come to a place when you know that no other forces can fix your mess like God can. Let me just give you a few examples of how God manifests in unpleasant situations. I am just going to position you to a few occasions when the manifestation of God was present. Please go and read, John 5, John 9, John 11 (start around verse 11), and Luke 8 (start around verse 40) I could go on all day, but I’m already shouting because I am a witness that God wants science to doubt Him so He can give His believers an opportunity to talk about His greatness.
There is a change that occurs in everyone’s life when they turn away from their wicked ways and believe in God. It’s not always when you join the church, but it’s when you believe that God is in control and has a true purpose for your life. I am not telling you what to believe or who to believe in, my goal is to live a life walking in the path of Jesus Christ and it will maker others want to walk on that same path. I know for a fact that one day Gabriel will return and blow his trumpet to announce the return of God. I pray your belief (whatever it is that you believe in) will gain you an all access pass into the kingdom of heaven, because it will be an experience you don’t want to miss.
Be Blessed