Sunday, September 26, 2010

Chapter 3

Today was a beautiful day, partly cloudy and sunny with a high around 55 degrees. I decided to being my day sightseeing. I have been in the city a total of 4 days and I had to get off campus. As you know I am a busy body. I can’t stay still for too long. I feel like I should be working or or doing something productive! LOL! Sitting in this jail cell they call a room is not cutting it. Furthermore, it seems as if a lot of the students commute to campus, which leaves the campus a ghost town at night. Did I mention no television?
I was talking to one of my friends the other day who told me that it was good that I have to slow down now. She went on to say that maybe now I will take time to see the important things I have been missing. I will be honest, I am not totally sure what she means, but I think this time will allow me to continue to grow and learn. I hope that I will be able to wrap my head around those important things.  I will say that this time will give me time to study, write, and pray. Please don’t forget the Stage plays are still a work in progress!
Anyway I caught the 25 bus service to the city center today. It was approximately 30 minutes from the campus. The campus sits on a very beautiful grassy plane in the country. Once I arrived downtown I began to walk down Princes Street. Princes Street is lined with lots of shops, restaurants, and pubs. Just like the US there is a Starbucks on every corner. I felt right at home when I ordered “Tall cup of coffee please in a grande cup, and a side of cream,” and the price was $2.44 US. I walked around for about 4 hours just looking at the beautiful scenery and of course people watching.
I love to people watch. It allows me to use my psychology degree and try to understand why people behave the way they do in certain environments. I also stopped in a few of the shops. I must say that Cashmere and Polo’s are the style here. I have Polo, but Cashmere is next! I visited the graveyards, the Edinburgh Castle, the divinity church, the Scottish museum, Carlton Hill, and the list goes on. I had a great time. I know you’re asking who did I go with, but it was just me! I didn’t feel rushed and I could stay as long as I wanted. I walked hills and stairs all day, I am so glad I wore my running shoes.
So far I must admit I am having a blast. I do miss the minor things such as TVs, talking and texting on my crackberry, but I am learning that there is so much more to life. We work to hard not to enjoy the finer things. We as a culture need to step outside of the box and experience the world.  Scotland is a beautiful place and because it rains so much the land is beautiful!
I hope you are enjoying the series. Please feel free to pass it along or comment.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great idea to start this blog! You really seem to be investing a lot of time not only in enjoying the simple pleasures of life and working towards your goals but deeply reflecting on life in order to move foward.

    I love to pictures too! Do they have different flavors/drinks at the Starbucks catering to Scotland? (random question)

    Also, how are the classes? I look forward to the next posting. Love ya!

