Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chapter 16

Today was a very thought provoking day. As many of you know I stated in an earlier blog that I wanted to get more than an MBA while I was in Scotland. My goal is to get an experience and today I received a gold nugget that wasn’t included in the tuition payment.
This evening a few of my classmates gathered in a hall lounge surrounded around great food and fellowship. In the USA we always makes jokes about how quiet it becomes when the food arrives. Trust me when I say that is not only a USA thing. I was surrounded by people from all over the world and the great conversation came to a halt when the plates were passed. During dinner there was a lot of small talk around different languages, technology, and ancestry. However when we began to have tea, coffee and wine were passed this is when I realized why I am in Scotland.
First, let me say when people say you can’t talk about religion, politics, and money with different cultures let me say that is pure ignorance because you are missing out on a valuable lesson. The discussion was between Christians and Muslims.
The conversation began when a fellow classmate asked about voodoo/witchcraft and our opinion regarding the issue. Voodoo exists all over the world and it’s something that many people believe can have an effect on your life. He went on to ask “if you don’t believe in the powers of voodoo can it still have an effect on you”? We talked about the origination of voodoo and how there will always be demons on earth which will be worshipped my man. There were so many questions which were raised and they all were answered with spiritual references.
While we didn’t really talk about the differences in our religions we pointed out the similarities that supported the idea that witchcraft and voodoo exist. For a person to say they have a belief in Christianity or Islam you must believe that demonic spirits exist. We have seen in the bible where Jesus cast demons out of individuals. Furthermore, when God cast Satin out of heaven He sent Satin to rule of physical world because it was full of chaos. The devil thrives in chaos and this is when he will typically appear. The reason voodoo doesn’t harm those who don’t believe in powers is because you have a belief in a higher power protecting you from these demonic sprits.
The bible addresses this in Ephesians 6 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” this is proof that there are other forces that are trying to control our lives; which is why if you continue reading it gives us the full armor to protect us during the battle. The armor helps protect you, because you never know how the enemy will attack. They attack during our sleep, on our job, in our homes, and anywhere an opportunity presents itself.
The thing about the devil is he knows your weaknesses and that is where he starts his attack. For most of us it begins in our flesh. When he attacks our flesh he starts to control us because our flesh is weak and easy to manipulate. Think about it, have you ever been lonely late at night and you get a text message from someone you really don’t like. The text reads something like “you sleep?” If you were busy you wouldn’t even give this person the time of day, but you end up over their house anyway. Your flesh was weak and the devil presented you with something to bait you into trust him. I guess I am the only one being real tonight, because I can hear you saying that never happened to me.
 The reason it’s so easy for him to control our flesh is because when the things you have been asking God for don’t appear when you want them, you try and find other things to complete you. We are all guilty and we all sin, but I can’t judge you for your sins because that is not my assignment. I have learned that the things you are seeking to complete you when your prayers are not answered are not of the spiritual realm, but they are worldly possessions. It is at this very moment that you stop praying and praising like you once did and you forget who is in control of your life and you turn to demonic spirits. It is at this time when you are most vulnerable to the effects of voodoo because you are letting these spirits control your flesh.
Then you might ask me why God doesn’t just block the attack of Satin? That would be too easy; God likes to demonstrate his powers so those who don’t believe will start believing. Also, if He doesn’t let you make a few mistakes you will never trust Him like you should and He wants you to come to a place when you know that no other forces can fix your mess like God can. Let me just give you a few examples of how God manifests in unpleasant situations. I am just going to position you to a few occasions when the manifestation of God was present. Please go and read, John 5, John 9, John 11 (start around verse 11), and Luke 8 (start around verse 40) I could go on all day, but I’m already shouting because I am a witness that God wants science to doubt  Him so He can give His believers an opportunity to talk about His greatness.
There is a change that occurs in everyone’s life when they turn away from their wicked ways and believe in God. It’s not always when you join the church, but it’s when you believe that God is in control and has a true purpose for your life. I am not telling you what to believe or who to believe in, my goal is to live a life walking in the path of Jesus Christ and it will maker others want to walk on that same path. I know for a fact that one day Gabriel will return and blow his trumpet to announce the return of God. I pray your belief (whatever it is that you believe in) will gain you an all access pass into the kingdom of heaven, because it will be an experience you don’t want to miss.
Be Blessed

Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapter 15

As I write the blog tonight someone upstairs is having an I love hip-hop moment because all I hear is Biggie Smalls and Tupac. I don’t know who is playing the music but I think I will take investigative measures to meet this person. The dorm is full of very interesting people and trust when I say interesting I mean INTERESTING.
First, people in Scotland love to smoke and drink and you can’t smoke in the room. People will go to great measures to get that nicotine fix. Last night the temperature was about 30 degrees and I saw this man outside in shorts and a t-shirt smoking. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Here I am in a sweater, jacket and a coat, hat, and scarf freezing, but he is outside like it 90 degrees. Then people have the nerve to wonder why their noise is running or they are congested. More reason to use my hand sanitizer after I shake hands and kiss the babies LOL.
I have found that since I lost my weight I am no longer as warm as I was in the winter. I get cold and need lots of heat. However, the dorms don’t care about how warm you are because the heat only comes on during certain hours of the day. Yes imagine that, the heat GOES OFF, and it’s not really heat in my opinion I would call it the warmer or warming device. They have a radiator in the room and they call that a heater. It looks just like the radiator in a car if you ask me. I need something blowing heat in my direction.   
It doesn’t really heat the room, because by the time the room starts to heat up, the device turns off (my room is always LUKE WARM). The hours of operation are from 6am-10am, and 6pm-midnight. Seems to me like we are missing a whole lot of hours to heat the room, I know I am not a genius by any means, but isn’t it the coldest time of day during the hours of midnight-6am? To make matters worse. My window doesn’t have good insulation so it’s always a good crisp cool breeze coming in my room. I tell you I am living in paradise. I have to laugh to keep from crying lol, but don’t feel sorry for me there are two possible solutions find a boo or a heater. We shall see which one comes first. Lol
Second, as many of you know that I am a neat freak. I like things clean and orderly. Well, let’s just say my kitchen mates didn’t get that memo. They kitchen is one of the nastiest places I have been. I have to clean before I cook EVERYDAY! I am the type of person that if I can’t smell the bleach then it’s not clean. So you know when I am in the kitchen because of the wonderful aroma of cleanliness. I was told cleanliness is next to Godliness.  It’s like they cook and leave. I should get a check for how often I have to clean the kitchen. I make the job of the housekeep very easy.
Third, I was talking to my cousin the other day on SKYPE and said man that room looks like a prison. No pictures, color, or anything pleasant. It has white cement walls and they are paper thin. I do mean PAPER THIN. I hear everything that happens on this hall when it happens.  Those of you that have been on a cruise my room is about that size. I’m glad I lost my weight or I wouldn’t have been able to fit in the shower. On occasion when I am in my room I just start doing push-ups and sit-ups then I realize I can just leave the room I don’t have to wait on the guard (LOL). It’s funny because they call the hall counselor a warden.
Let me tell you about the bed. It’s supposed to be a twin, but my twin sheets have slack in them. I think it’s one of those mini twin beds that you buy for your toddler and it feels like you are sleeping on bricks. There a spa date calling my name when I get back to the US, because my back is not going to make it. Then again if I find a boo that will be free massages (LOL)! Seems like this boo idea would be economically efficient, meaning use the least amount of resources and satisfying needs to the highest potential.
Overall, I am still having a great time. It’s a great experience and I just wanted to let you what it is like living in the dorm. Just wait I have another blog talking about the campus life or lack of campus life.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Chapter 14

I have been so blessed by the readers of the blog. I have received emails from people I don’t even know telling me how they enjoy reading my post. I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for reading. I know you have busy lives and so many other things you could be doing. Please continue to help the blog grow by forwarding it to others. Also keep the comments and emails coming! Although, we are small in followers the web/blog analytics tell me people are reading. It’s motivation to keep writing.  
Everyone requires motivation or the world would be at a standstill. The fascinating thing about motivation is that it is different for person. At every stage in your life your motivation changes and in my opinion your motivation matures as you mature. When I was a child, I spoke as a child; I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. I think that accurately describes my point.
Your motivation can help you keep your eyes on the prize, but let’s keep it real, it’s hard out here! Your friends come and go, your money gets funny, your boo starts tripping, it seems like every time you turn around there’s a situation shifting your focus and distracts you from your goal. Often times that shift causes us to become discouraged. When a person becomes discouraged they begin to think “was I really supposed to get that prize anyway?” “Was that out of my league?” I am here to tell you that anything you put your mind to, you can achieve. We have to stop doubting ourselves and our abilities.
You have to be able to encourage yourself to keep pushing to accomplish your goals. How can you really expect someone else to push you to finish YOUR goals? People will let you down and forget all about you and what you want to accomplish. Sometimes you just need to give yourself a peep talk. This might sound crazy to some, but evaluate yourself often and determine what do you need to do to help yourself achieve your goals.
I will leave you with this an example. July 4, 2009 I was visiting friends and family in Charlotte, NC and two of my buddies started losing weight a few months before. I felt like I was going to be the only fat guy in the group. I made a decision BEFORE I left Charlotte to lose weight. When I returned back to Nashville I started working out. Keep in mind I hadn’t worked out in years. It was a struggle, I was tied, my chest hurt etc, but the motivation was that I wanted to be healthier. As time went on I didn’t really notice the change in my weight. My workout partners all started to disappear. My friends stopped inviting me out to dinner because I ate too healthy. That discouraged me, but I keep on fighting. I lost 20lbs, then 40lbs, then 80lbs, and LOOK AT ME NOW 100lbs later. I had to encourage myself daily, because I wanted to lose the weight not my friends. It’s that same motivation that keeps me working out 5 days a week and living a healthier lifestyle. AIN'T GOD GOOD!  
I am not saying everyone has to drop 100lbs, but I am saying you can do whatever you put your mind to!


228 lbs

Chapter 13

I feel that I must deal with the idea of self-reflection again today! I had a totally different idea for the blog today, but I believe that things happen for a reason.

As I sit in the coffee shop and listen to this irate customer complain about a honest mistake I came up with this new blog post. Now, I am not saying people don't get angry or upset. Nor am I saying that we are never in situations cause us to be angry.

Anger is an emotion that we all wrestle. The reality about anger is we as individuals allow anger to live inside of us and rule our lives. One of main causes of illnesses in our community comes from anger. When you are anger your blood pressure, your cholesterol, and your bodies pH balance are unbalanced.

Meditate on this thought:
         If you want to live a healthier life reduce the amount of anger you have towards others.

Top 10 Ways:

10. You always play devils’ advocate

9. You have a my way or the highway attitude

8. You always degrade others

7. You are always aggressive

6. You use hurtful words and explosive actions towards others

5. You always feel people are attacking you

4. You are impatient

3. You are always irritated

2. You are never pleased

1. You are always asked "Are you OK?" (Due to your intense facial expressions)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chapter 12

I must admit there have been a lot of different things on my mind lately; random thoughts about different situations, outcomes, and the future to name a few. My mind is constantly working and I admit it’s hard for me to sleep at times because my brain is working.  I wake up in the middle of the night with ideas that I write down. In my opinion it’s a gift and a curse, because there are so many ideas I have and different methods of which to accomplish them. Furthermore, when I least expect it, I receive a revelation that is enlightening.
The other night while I was in bed trying to go to sleep I wondered “How will I be remembered when I die?”  I know this topic of death is very uncomfortable for a lot of people and I won’t dwell on it today as that is not the point of the post. Have you ever thought how others will remember you? As you saw in my personality test I am concerned with how others perceive me.
Today there’s a social standard that we have to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous, but what does this lifestyle really bring you? It brings you thrills in the short term, but what about the long term? People obtain the worldly possessions and place themselves on a pedestal to be worshiped. Honestly, you came from dirt and when you die you will return to the dirt. You can’t take any of those worldly possessions with you when it’s your time. I learned a long time ago that there is only two things for sure in life “death and taxes”. Now don’t get me wrong I am not saying that we shouldn’t live a comfortable life and each individual has a different level of comfort.
To be honest the perception I want to portray has nothing to do with the degrees, social status, income level, or who I know. I want to be remembered as an individual who helped others and lived according to his values and morals. I think about the steps and the process it took for me to get where I am and it was because someone helped me. Family, friends, mentors, and even enemies who pushed me when I was weak, guided me when I was blind, and filled me when I was empty. If you didn’t know your enemies can help you reach your goals then just keep living.  That’s another blog entry all together, but I can never repay the people who helped me. However, I can pay it forward. I can help someone who might not know the right path or has strayed from the path.
Helping others is far more rewarding than the financial rewards you may receive. I fill so empowered when I help others and I feel like I made a difference. I’m tired of business as usual. The world is changing everyday in a negative direction and its time that we stop sitting on the sideline and say well it’s not my problem, because actually it’s the problem of your future generation. We are only focused with leaving future generations wealth, but they need more than money to be successful in this world.
I told a few of my friends a few months ago I am living a transparent life. When I die and you are at my funeral and the time comes for people to speak about their memories of me I want people in droves to speak from the heart and not have to think for hours (the night before) on the positive impacts I made. Furthermore, I want the comments to be true, meaningful, and full of substance. I don’t need anyone lying about me to the public trying to make me look good because truth be told when I’m all dressed up in my Sunday’s best, in the front of the church in the casket smiling (I told Alysen a few years ago when I die I want to be in the casket with a smile on my face, because I lived a good life and I don’t want my family sad that I’m no longer with them. I want them to remember me smiling and enjoying life) it’s too late for me to impact anyone or change their opinions of me.
 I challenge you today to make a difference.  Speak to someone you don’t know. Help someone in need. Help a child with their homework. I am not asking you to change the world by yourself or put yourself in danger, but I am asking you to stop sitting on the sideline when you are a part of the solution to the problem.  I will leave you with two quotes today.
‘God put you on earth to solve a problem and if you don’t walk in your purpose to solve the problem, you are becoming part of the problem.”
“If I can help someone as I travel along life’s journey then my living will not be in vain”

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Another Gift

Chapter 11

The week is over and classes are complete. The class structure is different from the undergraduate experience. We had class Monday – Thursday from 9am-5:30pm. The class was made of people from at least 5 of the different continents. It was great to understand their cultures and different perspectives from their organizations. One guy told me that where he is from the work week is 30-35 hours and they have a minimum of 4-5 weeks of vacation time. Now you ask am I moving back to the USA; no we work too hard lol. To hear stories about their organization and how the cultures are very different is learning without the exam attached.  
Just to give you an idea I take 2 classes a semester except in the second semester where I take 3 classes. This semester I am taking Organizational Behavior and Economics. I have finished the OB textbook and I am reading the Economics book so I can be prepared for the class. In my Organizational Behavior class we were required to take a personality test and I think the results are very true. This purpose of the blog is exposing my inner thoughts so I am going to share my results.
My Personality:
Interpersonal Style: I am on the borderline of extroversion and introversion. I will communicate readily without have a requirement for excessive personal contact. I am likely to happy dealing with people as when occupied with task but will generally come forward in social situations, particularly if this places me at the center of attention. I am warm, caring, easy-going, bold, no stage fright, and confident of my intellectual ability. I am also competitive with strongly-held views. I am suspicious of others motives and can be forceful in getting my own way. I’m relatively outspoken. However at times I like to be on my own without any interruptions.
Thinking Style:
I am balances between intuitive, subjective, and rational. I prefer well proven solutions to problems and will not always accept new ideas outside of the realm of my personal experience. I am not hard headed or tough nor am I soft-hearted or sentimental. However, I do make decisions based on rationality and emotions. I have a high level of self-control and believe in self-reflection. I care about my reputation, status, and greatly respect authority. I will follow protocol and have a high degree of thoroughness in my work. My character is inflexible.
Coping Style:
Currently I am showing average levels of stress. I am stable in mood and collected in manner. I am dependable in crisis and I am quick to replenish depleted energy resources after demanding situations. I don’t have low self-esteem, guilt, and not quick to blame others. My composure reassures others but major frustrations and irritations’ are likely to upset me.
Team Roles:
In a team I am likely to be the resource investigator and coordinator. I will control the team while exploring different sources/contacts that will help the team. I am charming, socially polished, and have good relationships with people. I recognize talents and can delegate effectively.
Leadership Style:
I am Consultative and directive in nature. I am democratic and directive valuing group discussion, but will make the final decision. I value independent thinking of others but will monitor the performance of others.
I will find a way to scan the entire document and upload it because there are other aspects that I don’t feel like typing and this will allow you to read it in detail. However, if you know me do think these results are accurate?
As I close today, I was appointed to the student organization for the business school and I assist with facilitating the students with networking opportunities with the school and the community. I find this a little contradicting because I don’t know the community. However my personality will help overcome the obvious boundary and my faith will overcome any other boundaries out of my control.  
I am having a blast and meeting new people. I can’t wait to start traveling Europe.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chapter 10

I know this post is going to create some conversation. I am ready for the comments, emails, and whatever else comes from this. It’s important to have healthy debate. When I told people I was moving to Scotland I received many congratulatory responses. However, I shall not forget the two specific rules. First not to come back wearing a skirt A.K.A a kilt. Second don’t come back with a white woman. Since I don’t wear skirts and never plan to I’m sure you know this blog is going to be about interracial dating and marriage.
When I first think about the issue I am baffled that African Americans are so against African American men dating outside of their race especially white women. After all didn’t Dr. King march for equality? Didn’t he want all races to hold hand and sit together at the table of brotherhood? Then why is it we can’t date white women? Last time I checked love was color blind. I thought you were supposed to fall in love with a person for what is on the inside and not what’s on the outside. I thought we were not supposed to discriminate against others. I thought you were supposed to find someone who made you happy not your friends and family.
I know personally I have seen some very attractive white women. I will also admit I have been on dates with them and had a fabulous time. They are nice and caring, easy to approach, interested in learning new things, and motivated. These same characteristics I would want in an African American woman. So why can’t I date or marry anyone who meets my qualifications? Why do I have to limit my options because it makes some people uncomfortable? When I do get married I want to be happy. People always want to say that men date and marry white women because we can run over them. Well, have you looked around there are a bunch of black women who let me run over them too. All the reason people give for why men date white can be applied to dating black. What are our real issues with white women, because they need to be addressed?
I was told personally by a few of my female friends that once I became successful I would find a white woman to marry. I asked them point blank why do you say this would happen and their response was “all successful African American men do”. I was also told that if I was marrying a white woman don’t tell anyone just let them show up to the wedding and make it a surprise because some people wouldn’t come. Furthermore I was told that it was more acceptable to date or marry outside of my race as long as she wasn’t white. This is ludicrous! Who made these rules and why didn’t I read them in the instruction manual about life.
I understand that some black women feel their chances of finding a good man are slim, but I honestly don’t believe the statistics. I mean numbers don’t lie, but I believe that women need to step outside the box and be open to meeting people. You can’t find a good man while you are at home watching Lifetime. Furthermore, when a nice man correctly approaches you and asks for your number give him a shot. You might realize he may not be for you, but men do have friends. Do you realize how much courage its takes for a man to approach a women he doesn’t know only to get shot down. Then you have the nerve to have an attitude. You just might be missing out on your blessing.
I believe there are tons of available men who are educated, have good jobs, no criminal backgrounds etc, but as a culture we have to get out of our comfort zones if we plan to meet each other. People can’t meet if we stay in the house. I am the first person to go someone alone. I don’t like sitting in the house. I am wasting time and I don’t have a long time to live. I am not saying you have to go the club and find a man, but in the simplest places such as the gas station, grocery store, mall, or the gym. You may only get one shot to see this person and you have to take the opportunity.
I will let you in on a little secret. If I see a woman I like and I know it’s my only opportunity  I’m approaching her because I have nothing to lose. I didn’t have her number before and if she rejects me then I still won’t have her number. LOL
I also believe that when it is time for you to have a relationship they (black, white, other) will be sent to you, but I don’t think he is going to come knocking at your door. You have to be in a place where he can actually approach you. As a people we should try dating ourselves and ensuring we don’t have any baggage we are taking into another relationship (hint for the next blog). Don’t be afraid to try things because it will let you know what you don’t like.
I am a firm believer we don’t have to follow the original rules of society. A wise man once said “Rules are guidance for wise men and instructions for fools” That was free and it didn’t cost you nothing.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chapter 9

I told you all in a previous posting about the local version of Wal-Mart called ASDA, but I didn’t go into any detail so today I want to give you an insight to the Scottish way of grocery shopping. Those of you from the south know all about Kroger. That is my SPOT. I love that place and when I use my Kroger Plus Card I get discounts and you know I LOVE SAVING MONEY. I’m not cheap I’m just trying to become a millionaire by 30 and every penny helps lol. Also, I hear people on campus talk about the rollbacks. They say you should go late at night because that’s when the items are the cheapest. You better believe I will be trying this soon.
First of all you have to pay for the shopping carts. It cost One British Pound ($1.59 US), I believe they give you this back when you return the cart, but I haven’t tried it because my Financial Aid for school hasn’t come so I don’t waste any money! If you don’t pay for a cart you can use one of the small plastic baskets similar to what you see in a grocery store in the US. You have to decide quickly what’s important to buy during that trip. I only have two hands lol.
For the most part I can get majority of the same items I can in the US. Major brands like Kellogg, Special K, Snicker, Twix for example they have, but I can't BigK dinks from Kroger, Velveeta cheese, cheese It crackers, LOL. I can get coffee, but I am going to try and go to Starbucks and see if I can get the instant brew. The coffee Scottish people drink is not that good. Actually it’s nasty. lol and I love my coffee. It’s my Godfathers fought. He started me at a very young age (like 8) drinking coffee and I just can’t stop.
I can buy meat, cheese, milk just as I could in the US. The fruit and vegetable are AMAZING. It’s the freshest thing I have ever tasted. Scottish people love bread and they bakery makes very good fresh bread. It cost about 2.00 per loaf but it’s good. Drinks on the other hand are a different story. Most of their drinks are carbonated. I purchased some lemonade and got home and it was carbonated the worst drink I ever had. I also made another mistake and purchased carbonated orange juice. So I carefully READ the labels now. It’s too expensive to waste this good money. I like apple juice and it comes in this little carton (1 Liter for about $1 US) and it’s not that great.
When you reach the checkout line the cashiers sit in chairs as they check you out. This place is so laid back its ridiculous. Although, they are always busy and the store is packed. I forgot to mention you can order online and they will bring your groceries to your home. So you will see ASDA employees walking around scanning items and bagging them in the aisle because they are gathering online orders. Great business model in my opinion and you know I am watching trying to see how I can capitalize on their ideas in the US.
As most of you know I can throw down in the kitchen. I like to cook and eat, but my menu in Scotland is very simple. I eat a lot of chicken, salad, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, salads, pastas, and weight watchers meals that I can put in the oven. I don’t even cook the chicken it’s a rotisserie chicken like they sell at Sams Club or Costco. I trend to cook meals that are easy to make and don't take a lot of time. Why you might ask? Well let’s just say I am not dealing with Black and Decker stainless steel appliances. This is not an updated kitchen you would see on HGTV. I don’t even have a microwave. The stove in my kitchen looks like something my ancestors used. Honestly, I think it belongs in a museum the school is just borrowing it until the end of the year. I think there are instructions that say “must add wood” for best quality. Its takes about 20 mins to boil water; enough said! That is just depressing. So by the time the stove is ready I'm not even that hungry. I’m just mad! LOL
Honestly I am learning to be more patient because good things come to those that wait! Until next time be blessed.  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chapter 8

I wasn't going to post tonight, because I wasn't in the mood. This was put in my spirit and I had to share.
It’s a humbling experience not to be able to call your friends, family, or prayer partner when you need encouragement. You sit and you think to yourself how am I am going make it through this situation. You pray, but there is silence and you wonder if God heard you because He hasn’t responded to your request or a change hasn’t come.
 The issue is that we are so accustomed to talking to people about our problems and they talk over/back to us while we are talking. Do they really hear us? Common sense says if I am talking while you are talking I can’t hear you. Furthermore, people can only give you an opinion about your situation; they don’t have the true solution. Nor do they have the ability to change your situation.  
I had a revelation that it’s quiet when we talk to God because He is actually listening to our prayer. He hears us all of the time. He is always there and has worked out the solution before we were in our circumstance. The phenomenal thing is that even when He doesn’t bless you like you think you should have been blessed, you should still give Him the praise.
Sometimes I get so focused on the end result and how will I get there. I should really focus on where I am and thank Him for where He has brought me. I need to just praise Him for where I am, because before I got in my situation He already knows how I am going to get out of it. While I am trying to call my friends and family I just need to call on His name. When I call on His name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
I know the people on my hall are wondering what is going on in my room, but I have got to praise my way through. I can’t wait until Graduation to thank Him for watching over me and opening the doors to pass the exams. I have to give him praise on lay-a-way! I just want to put a little down payment on this blessing. God is pushing me where I need to be, but the devil is trying to distract me and make me worry about the outcome. But the bible says be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
My request:
God bless me during this MBA program. Help me to not lose sight of you. Lord help me to study and learn the material and show my knowledge though the exams. Lord bless me, keep me, and guide me in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen
I am on divine assignment to speak this in your life. YOU WILL MAKE IT. Whatever you are going through He shall supply all of your needs according to His riches in heaven.
I had to speak this to myself, but I am sharing with you. God is good and I have learned that I can sleep because my faith is awake.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Chapter 7

This is something I wrote a while back, but never posted.

Moving beyond the status quo
What will it take for mankind to evolve from its current state? I remember like it was yesterday during the summer I would tell my grandmother "I am bored" and her response to me was "go read a book, if not a book then read the dictionary." I must admit I've never read the entire dictionary, but I have analyzed a good majority of its context.

It disheartens me on the amount of time this generation spends reading or studying, and their vocabulary proves my point. Today while I was at the park, I overheard a group of teenagers' converse while they were playing soccer. As I began to ease drop on their conversation, I noticed their vulgar language. I began to think how the media portrays minorities as ignorant and disadvantaged when they use vulgar language, but there are never any media related stories analyzing the language of the majority.

I'm not trying to start a race conversation today, but I do want you to this about this idea. People use vulgar language because of their limited vocabulary. Our children use vulgar language because they hear it in the home, in the music, and in the television programs.

Children believe it is cool to act in this manner, because it's hard for children to imagine success when they are not exposed to positive mentors. We need to encourage our children to move beyond the status quo. I remind children all the time that it is cool to be smart and have goals other than being an entertainer or an athlete. Whenever I hear children say "I want to be like them when I grow up" I respond to the "be better than them."

Have you encouraged a child today? We can't give up on the current generation. They have potential, but they don't have the support of the community.

Thought of the Day: If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done.

Additional Pictures from the City Tour

October 1st, 2010 Pictures of the school