Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pictures from Milan

As we arrived in Milan it wasn't exactly what I dreamed it would be. It was nice, but the amount of thieves and street hustlers turned me off. The pick pockets would throw food at you so the pigeons would swarm and then as you try and flee they would try and steal from you. Also you should have people who would try and put these bracelets on your arm and tell you they are free, but in they would follow you until you gave them money. It was sad to see all the people get taking advantage of.
In Milan if you want to do a lot of high class shopping you must visit the Golden Triangle. They all every high class store you want to visit and most of the time there is a guard at the door who will let you in and out. Let's just say one day I plan on being let in some of those stores! LOL
I will say the highlight was the Gucci Coffee Shop. Why do you need Starbucks when you can have coffee at the Gucci Store?
Enjoy the pictures!

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