Saturday, October 16, 2010

Chapter 11

The week is over and classes are complete. The class structure is different from the undergraduate experience. We had class Monday – Thursday from 9am-5:30pm. The class was made of people from at least 5 of the different continents. It was great to understand their cultures and different perspectives from their organizations. One guy told me that where he is from the work week is 30-35 hours and they have a minimum of 4-5 weeks of vacation time. Now you ask am I moving back to the USA; no we work too hard lol. To hear stories about their organization and how the cultures are very different is learning without the exam attached.  
Just to give you an idea I take 2 classes a semester except in the second semester where I take 3 classes. This semester I am taking Organizational Behavior and Economics. I have finished the OB textbook and I am reading the Economics book so I can be prepared for the class. In my Organizational Behavior class we were required to take a personality test and I think the results are very true. This purpose of the blog is exposing my inner thoughts so I am going to share my results.
My Personality:
Interpersonal Style: I am on the borderline of extroversion and introversion. I will communicate readily without have a requirement for excessive personal contact. I am likely to happy dealing with people as when occupied with task but will generally come forward in social situations, particularly if this places me at the center of attention. I am warm, caring, easy-going, bold, no stage fright, and confident of my intellectual ability. I am also competitive with strongly-held views. I am suspicious of others motives and can be forceful in getting my own way. I’m relatively outspoken. However at times I like to be on my own without any interruptions.
Thinking Style:
I am balances between intuitive, subjective, and rational. I prefer well proven solutions to problems and will not always accept new ideas outside of the realm of my personal experience. I am not hard headed or tough nor am I soft-hearted or sentimental. However, I do make decisions based on rationality and emotions. I have a high level of self-control and believe in self-reflection. I care about my reputation, status, and greatly respect authority. I will follow protocol and have a high degree of thoroughness in my work. My character is inflexible.
Coping Style:
Currently I am showing average levels of stress. I am stable in mood and collected in manner. I am dependable in crisis and I am quick to replenish depleted energy resources after demanding situations. I don’t have low self-esteem, guilt, and not quick to blame others. My composure reassures others but major frustrations and irritations’ are likely to upset me.
Team Roles:
In a team I am likely to be the resource investigator and coordinator. I will control the team while exploring different sources/contacts that will help the team. I am charming, socially polished, and have good relationships with people. I recognize talents and can delegate effectively.
Leadership Style:
I am Consultative and directive in nature. I am democratic and directive valuing group discussion, but will make the final decision. I value independent thinking of others but will monitor the performance of others.
I will find a way to scan the entire document and upload it because there are other aspects that I don’t feel like typing and this will allow you to read it in detail. However, if you know me do think these results are accurate?
As I close today, I was appointed to the student organization for the business school and I assist with facilitating the students with networking opportunities with the school and the community. I find this a little contradicting because I don’t know the community. However my personality will help overcome the obvious boundary and my faith will overcome any other boundaries out of my control.  
I am having a blast and meeting new people. I can’t wait to start traveling Europe.

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