Thursday, October 21, 2010

Chapter 12

I must admit there have been a lot of different things on my mind lately; random thoughts about different situations, outcomes, and the future to name a few. My mind is constantly working and I admit it’s hard for me to sleep at times because my brain is working.  I wake up in the middle of the night with ideas that I write down. In my opinion it’s a gift and a curse, because there are so many ideas I have and different methods of which to accomplish them. Furthermore, when I least expect it, I receive a revelation that is enlightening.
The other night while I was in bed trying to go to sleep I wondered “How will I be remembered when I die?”  I know this topic of death is very uncomfortable for a lot of people and I won’t dwell on it today as that is not the point of the post. Have you ever thought how others will remember you? As you saw in my personality test I am concerned with how others perceive me.
Today there’s a social standard that we have to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous, but what does this lifestyle really bring you? It brings you thrills in the short term, but what about the long term? People obtain the worldly possessions and place themselves on a pedestal to be worshiped. Honestly, you came from dirt and when you die you will return to the dirt. You can’t take any of those worldly possessions with you when it’s your time. I learned a long time ago that there is only two things for sure in life “death and taxes”. Now don’t get me wrong I am not saying that we shouldn’t live a comfortable life and each individual has a different level of comfort.
To be honest the perception I want to portray has nothing to do with the degrees, social status, income level, or who I know. I want to be remembered as an individual who helped others and lived according to his values and morals. I think about the steps and the process it took for me to get where I am and it was because someone helped me. Family, friends, mentors, and even enemies who pushed me when I was weak, guided me when I was blind, and filled me when I was empty. If you didn’t know your enemies can help you reach your goals then just keep living.  That’s another blog entry all together, but I can never repay the people who helped me. However, I can pay it forward. I can help someone who might not know the right path or has strayed from the path.
Helping others is far more rewarding than the financial rewards you may receive. I fill so empowered when I help others and I feel like I made a difference. I’m tired of business as usual. The world is changing everyday in a negative direction and its time that we stop sitting on the sideline and say well it’s not my problem, because actually it’s the problem of your future generation. We are only focused with leaving future generations wealth, but they need more than money to be successful in this world.
I told a few of my friends a few months ago I am living a transparent life. When I die and you are at my funeral and the time comes for people to speak about their memories of me I want people in droves to speak from the heart and not have to think for hours (the night before) on the positive impacts I made. Furthermore, I want the comments to be true, meaningful, and full of substance. I don’t need anyone lying about me to the public trying to make me look good because truth be told when I’m all dressed up in my Sunday’s best, in the front of the church in the casket smiling (I told Alysen a few years ago when I die I want to be in the casket with a smile on my face, because I lived a good life and I don’t want my family sad that I’m no longer with them. I want them to remember me smiling and enjoying life) it’s too late for me to impact anyone or change their opinions of me.
 I challenge you today to make a difference.  Speak to someone you don’t know. Help someone in need. Help a child with their homework. I am not asking you to change the world by yourself or put yourself in danger, but I am asking you to stop sitting on the sideline when you are a part of the solution to the problem.  I will leave you with two quotes today.
‘God put you on earth to solve a problem and if you don’t walk in your purpose to solve the problem, you are becoming part of the problem.”
“If I can help someone as I travel along life’s journey then my living will not be in vain”

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