Monday, October 25, 2010

Chapter 15

As I write the blog tonight someone upstairs is having an I love hip-hop moment because all I hear is Biggie Smalls and Tupac. I don’t know who is playing the music but I think I will take investigative measures to meet this person. The dorm is full of very interesting people and trust when I say interesting I mean INTERESTING.
First, people in Scotland love to smoke and drink and you can’t smoke in the room. People will go to great measures to get that nicotine fix. Last night the temperature was about 30 degrees and I saw this man outside in shorts and a t-shirt smoking. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Here I am in a sweater, jacket and a coat, hat, and scarf freezing, but he is outside like it 90 degrees. Then people have the nerve to wonder why their noise is running or they are congested. More reason to use my hand sanitizer after I shake hands and kiss the babies LOL.
I have found that since I lost my weight I am no longer as warm as I was in the winter. I get cold and need lots of heat. However, the dorms don’t care about how warm you are because the heat only comes on during certain hours of the day. Yes imagine that, the heat GOES OFF, and it’s not really heat in my opinion I would call it the warmer or warming device. They have a radiator in the room and they call that a heater. It looks just like the radiator in a car if you ask me. I need something blowing heat in my direction.   
It doesn’t really heat the room, because by the time the room starts to heat up, the device turns off (my room is always LUKE WARM). The hours of operation are from 6am-10am, and 6pm-midnight. Seems to me like we are missing a whole lot of hours to heat the room, I know I am not a genius by any means, but isn’t it the coldest time of day during the hours of midnight-6am? To make matters worse. My window doesn’t have good insulation so it’s always a good crisp cool breeze coming in my room. I tell you I am living in paradise. I have to laugh to keep from crying lol, but don’t feel sorry for me there are two possible solutions find a boo or a heater. We shall see which one comes first. Lol
Second, as many of you know that I am a neat freak. I like things clean and orderly. Well, let’s just say my kitchen mates didn’t get that memo. They kitchen is one of the nastiest places I have been. I have to clean before I cook EVERYDAY! I am the type of person that if I can’t smell the bleach then it’s not clean. So you know when I am in the kitchen because of the wonderful aroma of cleanliness. I was told cleanliness is next to Godliness.  It’s like they cook and leave. I should get a check for how often I have to clean the kitchen. I make the job of the housekeep very easy.
Third, I was talking to my cousin the other day on SKYPE and said man that room looks like a prison. No pictures, color, or anything pleasant. It has white cement walls and they are paper thin. I do mean PAPER THIN. I hear everything that happens on this hall when it happens.  Those of you that have been on a cruise my room is about that size. I’m glad I lost my weight or I wouldn’t have been able to fit in the shower. On occasion when I am in my room I just start doing push-ups and sit-ups then I realize I can just leave the room I don’t have to wait on the guard (LOL). It’s funny because they call the hall counselor a warden.
Let me tell you about the bed. It’s supposed to be a twin, but my twin sheets have slack in them. I think it’s one of those mini twin beds that you buy for your toddler and it feels like you are sleeping on bricks. There a spa date calling my name when I get back to the US, because my back is not going to make it. Then again if I find a boo that will be free massages (LOL)! Seems like this boo idea would be economically efficient, meaning use the least amount of resources and satisfying needs to the highest potential.
Overall, I am still having a great time. It’s a great experience and I just wanted to let you what it is like living in the dorm. Just wait I have another blog talking about the campus life or lack of campus life.

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