Friday, October 1, 2010

Chapter 5

Today was the second day of orientation. They try and wheel you in during this time with the illusion of the “good life”. We have had free meals, coffee, and snacks, but that will soon come to an end. It is going be an intense program, but I definitely believe it’s manageable. They expect us to study for 200+ hours outside of class time. Boy I am glad I don’t have any distractions YET! As my buddy in medical school told me earlier this week “welcome to my world”! One thing I can say is that when you have your mind set on a goal, although times may be difficult you will only experience discomfort for a short period, so press your way through!  
The diverse group of individuals on this campus continues to amaze me. There are people from all over the world who come from different industries and who have different views on life. So far majority of the people in my MBA class seem like good people, and we all have the same goal in mind which is GRADUATING. There are no other individuals from the USA, but there are people from Singapore, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, India, Canada, Syria, and Jordan to name a few. Learning from them will be invaluable and this could not be learned in any text book. I can imagine telling my kids about this experience.
I will say this again that living in the USA has spoiled our culture and we don’t appreciate how good we have it. People are moving from their countries to place like the UK and USA because they are looking for better opportunities for their families. As I spoke with one of my classmates he told me that he regrets not learning English because at times he finds it difficult to advance his career. I think to myself that I regret not speaking another language, because it’s a good skill to posses.
As I close today being the only American, working for a company such as Dell, and my various life experiences in the USA I get a lot of questions about my life. Today I had to explain my experiences as a DJ and why didn’t I choose it as a career. I don’t mind people asking me questions, because it allows me talk about myself (LOL). Honestly in opening up to others I build relationships that allow me to learn more about other areas of the world and apply that to my intellectual database. Furthermore, it helps me to appreciate my experiences. Is there something you want to ask someone? It could help you build relationships or help you from making the wrong decision. Take the time to develop your relationships and expand your horizons. More importantly ask as many questions as you can it will help in the long run!
“Ask foolish questions now, so don’t make foolish mistakes later”

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