Monday, October 4, 2010

Chapter 7

This is something I wrote a while back, but never posted.

Moving beyond the status quo
What will it take for mankind to evolve from its current state? I remember like it was yesterday during the summer I would tell my grandmother "I am bored" and her response to me was "go read a book, if not a book then read the dictionary." I must admit I've never read the entire dictionary, but I have analyzed a good majority of its context.

It disheartens me on the amount of time this generation spends reading or studying, and their vocabulary proves my point. Today while I was at the park, I overheard a group of teenagers' converse while they were playing soccer. As I began to ease drop on their conversation, I noticed their vulgar language. I began to think how the media portrays minorities as ignorant and disadvantaged when they use vulgar language, but there are never any media related stories analyzing the language of the majority.

I'm not trying to start a race conversation today, but I do want you to this about this idea. People use vulgar language because of their limited vocabulary. Our children use vulgar language because they hear it in the home, in the music, and in the television programs.

Children believe it is cool to act in this manner, because it's hard for children to imagine success when they are not exposed to positive mentors. We need to encourage our children to move beyond the status quo. I remind children all the time that it is cool to be smart and have goals other than being an entertainer or an athlete. Whenever I hear children say "I want to be like them when I grow up" I respond to the "be better than them."

Have you encouraged a child today? We can't give up on the current generation. They have potential, but they don't have the support of the community.

Thought of the Day: If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done.

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